Frequently Asked Questions
In our opinion there is no such thing as a normal funeral. Each and every funeral is individual to the family concerned. It is up to that family to pay their last respects and say their last farewell in the manner that is most suitable for them.
The following information is there to help answer questions that we are most often asked about the funeral and services associated with it :-

(Q). What are Doctors Forms?
(A). When a funeral is a cremation, two doctors MUST attend and certify death. The FIRST doctor must be the doctor who attended the deceased during his/hers last illness. The duty of the SECOND doctor is essentially one of confirmation. This doctor must not be related to the first doctor either through family or practice. For this service, each doctor makes a separate charge, which we, the Funeral Directors usually pay on behalf of the deceased’s family.
(Q). How Many People Can Be Seated In The Limousine?
(A). In each limousine there is room for six people in the rear compartment and room for one in the front with the chauffeur.
(Q). How Do We Know What To Do At The Funeral?
(A). On the day of the funeral the Funeral Director is there to help and guide you, your family and friends. If you are unsure of anything please tell the Funeral Director.
(Q). Can The Family Carry The Coffin?
(A). Yes, although we would ask that you contact us as soon as possible to ensure that it is safe to do so.
(Q). Can We Visit The Deceased And Pay Our Last Respects?
(A). Yes, our Funeral Home is open and available to you at anytime. If you wish to visit our private chapel, please ring and inform us when you would like to come and we will be pleased to arrange for a member of staff to meet you.
(Q). Can We Have The Deceased Brought Home?
(A). Yes, we can bring the deceased home either on the evening before the service or on the morning of the service, so the deceased can leave from home.
(Q). Can We Choose What Music Is Played At The Crematorium?
(A). Yes, If you have a special request or would like a particular piece of music playing either as you walk into or out of the Crematorium Chapel, please let the Funeral Director know as soon as possible. Please note that only original recordings are allowed because of copyright laws.
(Q). Can We Request Donations To Charity?
(A). Yes, if donations to charity are requested in lieu of flowers, we will accept and list donations on your behalf and forward them to the charity of your choice.
(Q). Does The Coffin Move After The Funeral Service At The Crematorium?
(A). No. After the service has ended, the coffin does not move until all relatives and friends have left the Crematorium Chapel.
At some Crematoria there are curtains that close at the head of the coffin, but this is only done at the request of the relatives.
(Q). Are The Handles On The Coffin Removed Before The Cremation Takes Place?
(A). No. There are strict laws regarding cremation. Nothing may be removed from the coffin before cremation without the permission of the Home Office.
(Q). Is Each Cremation Carried Out Individually?
(A). Yes. The identity of the coffin name plate is checked by the Crematorium Attendant before it is placed in the Cremation Chamber. This only holds one coffin or casket at a time and again there are rules that must be abided by.
(Q). Do I Get The Cremated Remains Back That Belong To Me?
(A). Yes. Once the cremation has taken place, the cremated remains are removed and left to cool before being placed in an urn. This urn is clearly identified as to whose remains they are.
(Q). What Can I Do With The Cremated Remains?
1. You can place them in the Garden of Remembrance but you may not know where they are and you cannot place a head stone with them.
2. You may wish to purchase a grave just for the purpose of interring the cremated remains. This allows you to have a headstone and have other members of the family buried there in the future.
3. You may keep them at home in a special urn or memorial.
4. You may scatter them in a special place.
5. The remains may be buried in an existing family grave.
If you would like to discuss any of the above alternatives, please contact us and we will be pleased to help you.
(Q). How Will I Know Who Attended The Funeral?
(A). A list of mourners who attended the funeral can be made, and written in a memorial book.
(Q). What About Catering After The Funeral?
(A). If you require catering after the funeral you can make your own arrangements or contact us to make a booking at a hotel or restaurant. Alternatively, we can provide catering and staff at your home or in our lounge.
(Q). How Soon After A Burial Can I Put A Headstone On The Grave?
(A).If the grave is ‘earth’ rather than ‘bricked’ then the grave will take six months or more before the ground is firm enough to place the weight of a headstone. If the grave is ‘bricked’ inside, then it does not take as long.
For further advice please contact your Funeral Director, who will be pleased to advise you.